Tender Invitation for Providing Chinese Medicine Clinical Service


Interested medical enterprise/clinic/centre is invited to submit a proposal for providing Chinese Medicine Clinical Service from August 2024 to January 2025. The tender specification can be obtained HERE (English version only).

Contractor is required to submit their Proposal including all the Contract Schedules (Schedule 1 – 3) in a sealed envelope clearly marked with title of “Proposal for Provision of Chinese Medicine Clinical Service under Community Involvement Programme” (but should not bear any indication which may relate the tender to the tenderer). Relevant printed or visual material to illustrate the proposed work approach should also be submitted as part of the Proposal.

For details, please refer to the tender specification.
Closing Date and Time: 30th July 2024 12:00nn.
For enquiry, please call 2436 3363.

協會現誠邀有興趣投標之醫療公司/診所就2024年8月至2025年1月間的中醫診療服務提交服務計劃書。計劃及投標相關詳情請參閱 此文件(只備英文本)。

有興趣投標之醫療公司/診所所提供的計劃書需要包括投標規範文件附表(附表1-3)並以封密的信封清楚註明“Proposal for Provision of Chinese Medicine Clinical Service under Community Involvement Programme” (但不得有任何記認,使人認出投標者的身分。用於說明擬議工作方法的相關印刷或視覺材料也應作為計劃書的一部分提交)

如有查詢,請致電2436 3363。

                                                                                                                                                                 Post on 16 July 2024



工程項目:位於大窩口社區中心一樓之中心翻新工程,面積約106平方米,包括牆身翻新、安裝隔板、重舖地板、電力工程、冷氣及通風系統、防火設備等;預計於2024年2月份出標,如有興趣之承辦商,即日起至1月28日前,請電郵 office@ktschca.org.hk表示投標意向,查詢電話24363363。

Post on 22 January 2024

Tender Invitation for Providing Chinese Medicine Clinical Service(Closed)

新冠康復者中醫診療服務招標 (已截標)

Interested medical enterprise/clinic/centre is invited to submit a proposal for providing Chinese Medicine Clinical Service from October 2022 to August 2023. The tender specification can be obtained HERE (English version only).

Contractor is required to submit their Proposal including all the Contract Schedules (Schedule 1 – 3) in a sealed envelope clearly marked with title of “Proposal for Provision of Chinese Medicine Clinical Service under Signature Project Scheme (SPS)” (but should not bear any indication which may relate the tender to the tenderer). Relevant printed or visual material to illustrate the proposed work approach should also be submitted as part of the Proposal.

For details, please refer to the tender specification.
Closing Date and Time: 15th September 2022 12:00nn.
For enquiry, please call 2436 3363.

協會現誠邀有興趣投標之醫療公司/診所就2022年10月至2023年8月間的新冠康復者中醫診療服務提交服務計劃書。計劃及投標相關詳情請參閱 此文件(只備英文本)。

有興趣投標之醫療公司/診所所提供的計劃書需要包括投標規範文件附表(附表1-3)並以封密的信封清楚註明“Proposal for Provision of Chinese Medicine Clinical Service under Signature Project Scheme (SPS)” (但不得有任何記認,使人認出投標者的身分。用於說明擬議工作方法的相關印刷或視覺材料也應作為計劃書的一部分提交)

如有查詢,請致電2436 3363。

                                                                                                                        Post on 2 September 2022

Tender Invitation for Providing Influenza Vaccination Service

流感疫苗服務招標 (Closed)

Interested medical enterprise/clinic is invited to submit a proposal for providing vaccine from October 2022 to January 2023. The tender specification can be obtained HERE (English version only).

Contractor is required to submit their Proposal including all the Contract Schedules (Schedule 1 – 3) in a sealed envelope clearly marked with title of “Proposal for Provision of Influenza Vaccination Service under Signature Project Scheme (SPS)”   (but should not bear any indication which may relate the tender to the tenderer). Relevant printed or visual material to illustrate the proposed work approach should also be submitted as part of the Proposal.

For details, please refer to the tender specification.
Closing Date and Time: 30th August 2022 12:00nn.
For enquiry, please call 2370 1466.

協會現誠邀有興趣投標之醫療公司/診所就2022年10月至2023年1月間的流感疫苗服務提交服務計劃書。計劃及投標相關詳情請參閱 此文件(只備英文本)。

有興趣投標之醫療公司/診所所提供的計劃書需要包括投標規範文件附表(附表1-3)並以封密的信封清楚註明“Proposal for Provision of Influenza Vaccination Service under Signature Project Scheme (SPS)” (但不得有任何記認,使人認出投標者的身分。用於說明擬議工作方法的相關印刷或視覺材料也應作為計劃書的一部分提交)

如有查詢,請致電2370 1466。

                                                                                                                                                                 Post on 17 August 2022




特殊教育需要評估服務招標 (已截止)

Interested medical enterprise/clinic/education centre is invited to submit a tender proposal for providing “Special Educational Needs Assessment Service” from July 2021 to June 2022. The tender specification can be obtained HERE (English version only).

Contractor is required to submit their Tender Proposal including all the Contract Schedules (Schedule 1 – 3) in a sealed envelope clearly marked with title of “Tender Proposal for Provision of Special Educational Needs Assessment Service under Signature Project Scheme (SPS)” (but should not bear any indication which may relate the tender to the tenderer). Relevant printed or visual material to illustrate the proposed work approach should also be submitted as part of the Tender Proposal.

For details,
please refer to the tender specification.
Closing Date and Time: 10th June 2021, 12:00nn.
For enquiry, please call 2436 3363.

葵青安全社區及健康城市協會現誠邀有興趣投標之醫療公司/診所/教育中心就20217月至20226月的特殊教育需要評估服務提交服務計劃書。計劃及投標相關詳情請參閱 此文件(只備英文本)

有興趣投標之醫療公司/診所/教育中心所提供的計劃書需要包括投標規範文件附表(附表1-3),在信封面註明Tender Proposal for Provision of Special
Educational Needs Assessment Service under Signature Project Scheme (SPS)”
, 並以密封信封遞交或投寄投標書。 (但不得有任何記認,使人認出投標者的身分。用於說明擬議工作方法的相關印刷或視覺材料也應作為計劃書的一部分提交)

如有查詢,請致電2436 3363